
Experts Find Flaw in Replicate AI Service Exposing Customers' Models and Data

Cybersecurity experts have uncovered a serious security hole in an artificial intelligence (AI)-as-a-service provider Replicate that might have allo…

WordPress Plugin Exploited to Steal Credit Card Data from E-commerce Sites

Unknown threat actors are utilizing lesser-known code snippet plugins for WordPress to put malicious PHP code on victim sites that are capable of ca…

BreachForums Returns Just Weeks After FBI Seizure - Honeypot or Blunder?

The online criminal bazaar BreachForums has been rebuilt barely two weeks after a U.S.-led concerted law enforcement campaign demolished and took co…

New Research Warns About Weak Offboarding Management and Insider Risks

A recent analysis by Wing Security indicated that 63% of firms may have former employees with access to organizational data, and that automating Saa…

Researcher Uncovers Flaws in Cox Modems, Potentially Impacting Millions

Now-patched permission bypass problems impacting Cox modems might have been utilized as a starting point to obtain unauthorized access to the device…

Moroccan Cybercrime Group Steals Up to $100K Daily Through Gift Card Fraud

Microsoft is raising attention to a Morocco-based cybercrime group named Storm-0539 that's behind gift card fraud and theft through extremely so…
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